WASHINGTON DC (ANI) – Donald Trump’s incoming envoy for special missions, Richard Grenell, on December 25, called for the ...
Richard Grenell, former US ambassador and President-elect Donald Trump’s special envoy nominee, criticised Defence Minister ...
美国当选总统特朗普的密友理查德·格雷内尔(Richard Grenell),由于他在社交媒体上持续发帖,主张释放巴基斯坦前总理伊姆兰·汗(Imran Khan),因在巴基斯坦获得大量的媒体和政治关注。
Richard Grenell will apparently serve as Trump's "presidential envoy for special missions." Given his record, it's tough to ...
【免责声明】本文仅代表作者本人观点,与汇通财经无关。汇通财经对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确 ...
President-elect Donald Trump has picked longtime foreign policy adviser Richard Grenell to serve as an envoy for special ...
美国总统当选人特朗普上周六(14日)宣布人事提名,由驻德国前大使格雷内尔(Richard Grenell)出任“总统特别任务特使”,负责部分全球热点事务,包括委内瑞拉及北韩。
Washington: US President-elect Donald Trump's incoming envoy for special missions, Richard Grenell, on Wednesday, called for ...
A combative loyalist and the president-elect’s former ambassador to Germany, Mr. Grenell had hoped to be secretary of state.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Saturday he was picking Richard Grenell, his former intelligence chief, as ...
据《华尔街日报》报道,特朗普的关税威胁引发了一场幕后游说活动,以期软化或改变他的关税计划,但这些努力面临着潜在的难以逾越的障碍——特朗普毫不让步。目前,关于如何才能影响特朗普的下一步行动,企业高管们向特朗普的助手们征求相关建议时遇到了挫折。特朗普在很 ...