Bob Vila explains the different types of belt sanders, and how to use a belt sander for both rough material removal and ...
New from Milwaukee Tool, its M12 FUEL 3″ Random Orbital Detail Sander is reported to be able to sand the toughest materials ...
The advantage of my Belt sander is that I can change the angle of the belt, and I also added a frequency control that helps ...
In a carefully curated feat of mixed media and reflective commentary, the designer, alongside bookmaker Irma Boom and ...
Designed by Irma Boom, the 360-page binding includes 525 color illustrations depicting Sander's biggest moments.
公元前388年,柏拉图列了个名单。名单上的人包括乐手、诗人、雕塑家以及作家。柏拉图当时觉得,乐手传唱的歌谣迷惑心智、诗歌太过虚幻浪漫、雕塑建立了偶像崇拜、故事则鼓动民众胡思乱想——总之,艺术所引发的诱人的情感,不利于“理想国”计划的实施——那是个纯然 ...
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of UNIQLO, the Japanese clothing retailer will reissue some of its most popular products ...
JIL SANDER 是摩登与练达的典范。品牌全心致力于优雅与纯粹的设计,将材质创新与卓越工艺巧妙融合。精炼的剪裁、对比的运用与极致的细节呈现出从容、审慎、具有艺术性的时装形象。