大家都有過這樣的經驗吧,就是半夜突然痛醒,發現是腿或腳抽筋,痛到翻來覆去好久才能舒緩! 半夜抽筋痛醒 教4招一夜好眠 雖然腳抽筋不是什麼嚴重的問題,但痛起來也真的是要人命,復健診所王竣平主治醫師就來教幾招,讓你一夜好眠: 1、保持下肢溫暖 ...
President-elect Donald Trump announced he has asked former producer from "The Apprentice" as his pick to serve as a special ...
星巴克為慶祝耶誕節,明、後(23日、24日)兩天祭出「Merrier Together好友分享日」買1送1活動,上午11點至晚上8點至門市,購買兩杯大杯或特大杯的相同飲料可享優惠。全家即日起到24日,外送咖啡、搖搖茶吧買二送一;萊爾富Hi Café中杯即日起到25日也有買一送一活動。另還有網友發現,7-ELEVEn的星巴克即溶太妃核果拿鐵跟濾掛黑咖啡有在促銷,活動時間則是到24日。
立法院會20日雖三讀通過《選罷法》、《財劃法》與《憲訴法》等三大法案,但期間朝野因而大打出手。對此,國民黨前立委陳學聖大讚現任藍委已不一樣,尤其是把霸占主席台的民進黨立委趕下來,導致情勢丕變,「這是個歷史的轉捩點!因為國民黨立委找到底氣了!」 ...
Lara Trump dropped out of the running for the Senate on Saturday evening, teasing a “big announcement” to come in January.
雖然台灣與韓國很近,買了機票一下就能飛到,但總在韓綜、韓劇中看到的明星穿著,多麼想要可以馬上入手立刻穿上和偶像一樣的裝扮啊!包括IU、Jennie、高允貞等女藝人皆穿在身上的時尚品牌MARITHÉ FRANÇOIS ...
Kim Burgess, 56, Tonya Burgess, 49, and Mack Hanna, 60, have all been charged in connection to the 2004 death of 19-year-old ...
Lara Trump, daughter-in-law of US President-elect Donald Trump, has withdrawn her name from consideration for a seat in the ...
Forget the cautionary tale of Icarus. NASA's daring Parker Solar Probe is gearing up to fly into the Sun to glean the secrets ...
Chenoa Nickerson, 33, was hiking with her husband at Grand Canyon National Park on Aug. 22 — her birthday— when she was swept ...
Lara Trump, daughter-in-law of President-elect Donald Trump, said on Saturday she has removed her name from consideration to ...