Die von Ihnen angegebenen Daten werden ausschließlich zum Versenden unseres Newsletters verwendet und nicht an Dritte weiter gegeben. Die Angaben sind freiwillig. Zu statistischen Zwecken führen wir ...
His mother has long since left home, his father Alfred is suffering from dementia, his pension is low and his adult daughter Janine, who still lives with him and is trying her hand at influencing, ...
Drei Stadtansichten Monets bilden den Ausgangspunkt für einen Blick auf das Paris der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Monets Werke inspirierten viele seiner Zeitgenossen – nicht nur in Frankreich, sondern ...
Date Saturday, 12/October/2024 15:00 bis 16:00 (279 more dates) Venue Deutsches Historisches Museum Address Hinter dem Gießhaus 3, 10117 Berlin-Mitte ...
Mit ihrer Lesung und vielen Bildern gewährt sie einen Einblick in die Geschichte Hirschgartens – von der ersten Erwähnung bis zur Gegenwart. Dabei wird natürlich auch das ABC-Gebäude besprochen.
Women are less likely to set up companies than men. The Senator for Economic Affairs is convinced that this has nothing to do ...
Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin, Kai Wegner, lädt am Freitag, 11. Oktober 2024, 12:30 bis 14:30 Uhr zur 3.
Greece holds a special position when it comes to forced labour: In contrast to the other occupied territories in Europe, most Greeks were forced to work in their home country. From 1941 to 1944, ...
The Hannah Höch Room at Museum Reinickendorf is presenting a photograph of one of the artist's late works: "Lebensbild" is the name of the 1.30 x 1.50 meter collage by Hannah Höch, which was created ...
On November 21, the Lord Mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem İmamoğlu, will speak at the Museum for Communication in Berlin on the topic “For a Just Democracy!” at the invitation of the Federal Chancellor Helmut ...
The new Wintergarten show JOSEPHINE is a tribute to a unique artist. She was a pioneer and inspiration for entire generations of artists. The stages of her career included New York, Paris and Berlin.