I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence... I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honour than that she should, ...
[Gandhiji received letters from people of various persuasions and interests from all over the United States. Some were prominent in American life. Others were "common" people and children for whom ...
Guaranteeing freedom for our descendants.
As the struggle for freedom grew in India, Britain had to send over more and more young men. They had to become prison guards. They were forced to kill unarmed Indians. Gandhi knew the British were ...
A review of thousands of years of human history, in which various civilizations raised their flags in different parts of the globe, from time to time, confirms the fact that morality always remained ...
I was agreeably surprised to receive your letter. Yes, indeed your book which was the first English book I came across on vegetarianism was of immense help to me in steadying my faith in vegetarianism ...
While Britain and its revolution created the economics of wealth (Adam Smith, 1977), the economics of poverty of Gandhi was the product of colonial rule which developed long after it. In Britain newly ...
The Ashram, situated in Uttar Pradesh is an outstanding example of a Gandhian voluntary organization, which has realised Gandhi's vision of a self-sufficient village. The work done by the Banwasi Seva ...
[Mr. Page (1890-1957) was a prominent pacifist and exponent of the social gospel, and a prolific speaker and writer. He worked for the YMCA and served as personal secretary to Sherwood Eddy for a few ...
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or as we call him the Mahatma was without doubt the most influential and interesting Indian figure of the Twentieth century. In many ways, he seems to be the most famous ...
To commemorate 72nd Death Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, 200 books on & by Gandhi, Vinoba & Sarvodaya in English, Marathi, Hindi and Gujarati will be displayed & sold at 50% discount by Bombay ...
The importance of providing value education is felt necessary today because the present system of education cannot contribute much to the individual and social development. Value-oriented education ...