Nesta’s innovation experts work at the cutting edge to tackle some of society’s biggest challenges. Our practice teams are communities clustered around different methodological approaches to ...
The trustees support our executive team, guiding their decision-making on strategic issues, holding them to account for their leadership of the organisation, and helping them to deliver Nesta’s ...
Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big ... ...
Luke McNally will be developing an approach to summarise the evidence behind which policies are successful, by using artificial intelligence (AI) and complex systems modelling. Ultimately, this ...
All babies and children need stable, caring relationships and stimulating experiences to thrive. The environment and experiences of early childhood shape our brains and bodies, creating the building ...
Jonathan was the Director of the Alliance for Useful Evidence from 2012 to 2021. Learn about evidence-informed decision-making, and why research is an essential element of it. Understand the different ...
Every year we identify the signals that could show us the shape of things to come. These signals can be data points, observations or insights from the field that carry significant, if uncertain, ... ...
How can it help me? This worksheet can help you build innovation into the design, development and growth of your idea. It is a complex strategic planning exercise that gives you a bird’s eye view of ...
People who have had heat pumps installed in older houses are just as likely to be satisfied with their heating than those in newer properties, the first major survey of heat pump users finds today.
Our mission is to increase the average number of healthy years lived in the UK, while narrowing health inequalities. Everyone deserves to live a long and healthy life, no matter where they live or ...