The first of its kind in six years, the November gathering will focus on more direct and localized supply chains to provide fair, high-quality seafood to North American consumers. CHARLESTON, SC — A ...
We are excited to announce that the Terra Madre network is expanding. At Terra Madre Salone del Gusto in Turin, the Slow Food network in the Philippines presented the first edition of Terra Madre Asia ...
«Hoy, Día Mundial de la Alimentación, celebramos el derecho a la alimentación como parte fundamental de una vida mejor y un futuro más brillante. Slow Food se reafirma en su convicción de que la ...
„Am heutigen Welternährungstag feiern wir das Recht auf Nahrung als Grundlage für ein besseres Leben und eine bessere Zukunft. Slow Food ist der festen Überzeugung, dass Nahrungsmittel eine Brücke zum ...
During Terra Madre, the Slow Wine 2024 guide was presented, one of the successful projects of Slow Food Macedonia. The guests ...
At Terra Madre 2024, a special honey takes center stage: the honey produced by rural communities—especially women—in the Bolivian districts of Monteagudo y Muyupampa, Aiquile, and Tiquipaya. Launched ...
“Today, on World Food Day, we celebrate the right to food as a fundamental part of a better life and a brighter future. Slow Food reaffirms its belief that food can be a bridge to peace, advocating ...
« En cette journée mondiale de l’alimentation, nous célébrons le droit à l’alimentation en tant qu’élément fondamental d’une vie meilleure et d’un futur plus heureux. Slow Food réaffirme sa conviction ...
We publish a very interesting article by Charles Mpaka from Mongabay, who explains a coffee agroforestry project developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Slow Food Coffee ...
This award, established in memory of the late Ursula Hudson, the beloved President of Slow Food Germany and a close friend of Slow Food’s founder Carlo Petrini, celebrates the exceptional ...