The commitments delivered by Ulster University closely align with the DfE's priorities. They serve as a roadmap for executing ...
Professor McFadden’s research aims to highlight concerns about the impact of social worker turnover on service users, carers ...
Final year returning students who have completed their IBMS Portfolio give a lecture to the second year class and then meet up with second year students one-on-one to discuss the portfolio. They ...
The Ulster University Law Clinic/Social Justice @ Magee, provides student led pro bono advice and assistance in the area of employment law. - To allow students who have completed this course to play a ...
A workshop to help Accounting, Finance & Economics Students gain a better understanding of how Excel are used within any accounting and professional services sector. Students will attend an employer ...
Through our Global work-based learning opportunities, students will develop the independence, autonomy and professional skills to succeed in the global workplace. Through our Go Global work-based ...
School Ambassadors represent Ulster University at various events and recruitment activities involving their former schools. They help promote Ulster University by engaging with school pupils, teachers ...
Get EDGE accreditation for your role as Course Rep by completing at least 1 training session and relevant documentation. Central to the ongoing development and success of our academic representation ...
The aim of this workshop is to increase the employability prospects of students in the Department of Global Business & Enterprise by giving them practical experience of the use of Excel. The workshop ...
Ulster students undertake work placements in a variety of sectors during their time at University. For the experience to be EDGE eligible, the work experience must be in addition to the students ...
Through our Go Global work-based learning opportunities, students will develop the independence, autonomy and professional skills to succeed in the global workplace. This activity is for international ...
Special Olympics Ulster is an organisation which provides a sports training and competition programme for children and adults with an intellectual disability. This initiative requires students on the ...