De la préhistoire aux marais salants, la rédaction de Bretagne Magazine a choisi des musées à visiter et des expositions ...
“秋风送爽果实熟,金黄满地丰收忙。”秋天是个硕果累累收获的季节,橙黄、橘绿、柿红、稻香,是人们劳动的成果,也是大自然的慷慨馈赠。 春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子!对于这个丰收的季节,人们怀以满满的希望与喜爱之情,创造了许多美好的词汇来形容它、赞美它。
Alex Honnold和Tommy Caldwell是两位世界上最为出色的攀岩者。他们为何在去往美国最为危险的山峰之一期间加入4,184公里/2,600英里自行车骑行,划船,充气筏和划艇划行的漫长惊险旅程部分? 在攀登阿拉斯加州山壁崎岖起伏的Devil’s Thumb山之前,Tommy Caldwell和Alex Honnold需要面对另外一项极端挑战,到达那里:从科罗拉多州选择采用自行车,船只 ...
Lanzhou is a charming tourist city. Here, you can experience the unique customs of the northwest region and feel the historical, cultural, and natural scenery of this city. Whether you enjoy ...
在这片古老而又年轻的土地上,有一种颜色,它代表着光荣与梦想,它象征着团结与力量。 In this ancient yet youthful land,there is a color that represents glory and dreams,symbolizing unity and strength. 五星红旗,是中华人民共和国的标志,它见证了新中国的诞生,也见证了中华民族 ...
Recently, long queues of tourists' cars in the Twelve Slopes are like dragons flying in the Twelve-turn Hillside in the Tu ...
The series investigates and depicts the Yarkand River basin's development, culture, and natural beauty. The documentary tells vivid tales of interaction, integration, and communication among different ...
Approximately two months after the conclusion of the Paris Olympic Games, Chinese people's enthusiasm for sports is driving ...
L’Opéra de Rennes et le musée des Beaux-Arts accueillent le travail photographique de Claire Chevrier du 15 octobre au 20 ...
定于10月8日,2024年仙游县农民丰收节暨度尾镇第八届文旦柚文化旅游活动,将在仙游县“柚相邻”共同富裕先行先试片区 (度尾镇艺雕智慧产业园)拉开序幕。
On one side are lush green mountains, and on the other side is the azure sea. As vehicles cross the Nan'ao Bridge and enter ...