"The Simpsons" debuted on Fox on Dec. 17, 1989. This popular animated series centers on a family of five living in the fictional city of Springfield. The groundbreaking show is the longest running ...
This year has been an absolute feast of animated movies, with many of the best ones coming from outside the limited world of American animation (though even among the weary world of sequels and ...
But first and foremost will always be Disney Animation. Since its first feature ... "The Aristocats" is essentially the tale of "Lady and the Tramp," but this time with cats.
The animated feature tells the story of Helm Hammerhand, the ninth king of Rohan, and his daughter Hera, as they defend their people and homeland against the violent forces of the Wildmen of Dunland.
And just in time for the long winter nights, a new Tolkien animated Lord of the Rings film is on the horizon. The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim hits theaters this weekend, from ...