Improvements in the biosolids facility at the Hamilton Water Reclamation Plant will replace costly equipment that will eventually save the city money, administrators say.
The Water and Sewer Board at its December 18 meeting discussed its future, including capital improvements to water and sewer lines over the next ... to extend new water mains through Main Street, ...
The current water and sewer rates are both $3.73 per 1,000 gallons, according to information from the city. Kimley-Horn representatives also suggested the city start a capital reserve fund. “This fund ...
With a complete overhaul of its sewer system scheduled over the next few years, what should Vergennes charge homeowners and developers to connect to the system?
Nationally, nearly every local area in the U.S. raises revenue through property taxes, and these taxes represent the largest tax revenue source in 94 percent of localities. Property taxes are also the ...