RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Queenly] is a massive 131ft Mecha with upgraded firepower. MRX-009 Psycho Gundam is a 131ft behemoth designed for Newtype control. GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam towers at 184ft and ...
The Bamboo Art wa-gu-mi craft puzzle that lets you build a model of Char Aznable Custom MS-06S Zaku II from Mobile Suit Gundam is now available for purchase in Japan.
The collection includes a limited series of printed artworks by House Industries, a custom Sevenwheeler rug and an exclusive luxury zine published by ERG Media. Featuring photography by Type 7 ...
There’s a new Mobile Suit Gundam show right around the corner, and while Bandai hasn’t revealed much about its story, its production studio and creative team bode very good things for the project.
The upcoming and bafflingly titled Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX has been announced as a co-production between Studio Khara and Sunrise. The name “GQuuuuuuX”, pronounced “g-quax”, is the ...
In an unprecedented move, Bandai and Sunrise are teaming with Studio Khara to develop its next mecha series, Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuux. Witch From Mercury only wrapped last year, but the age of ...