Located at the top of a heritage protected building in one of Lisbon's oldest industrial areas, the aptly named Marvila attic was completely transformed by KEMA Studio using sustainable, durable ...
Plans to demolish a pool and the installation of an additional post box are some of the planning applications submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council. Here is a list of applications ...
24/07568/FUL | Householder application for construction of roof extension to include raising the ridge line and forming a rear dormer extension and 2no. front inset dormers | 45 Highfield Road Bourne ...
THESE are all the planning applications submitted to Worcester City Council between December 4 and 11. The owners of 8 Wheatfield Avenue want to build a single storey side and rear extension, and ...
A PROMINENT historic house overlooking St George’s Church, Fordington could be brought back into family use. The Grade 2 listed building, with distinct bowed windows at 70 High Street, is said to have ...