Il Fof Infrastrutture, gestito da CDP Real Asset SGR, conclude l'anno con due investimenti da 75 milioni, portando il totale a 207,5 milioni. I nuovi investimenti sostengono la transizione energetica, ...
Aspiring teen-girl music producers teach Jet, Bulldog, Wham and Cheese how to make some awesome beats; Coach Lou and the players help create green space in South Side, Chicago; Hammer tells an injured ...
智通财经APP讯,固高科技 (301510.SZ)公告,公司股东GRC Sino Green Fund III, L.P. (简称“GRC”)于2024年11月11日至2024年12月18日通过集中竞价和大宗交易方式减持400万股,权益变动比例为1.00%。GRC本次股份减持计划已完成。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...