November 25, 2024 • Books We Love returns with 350+ new titles handpicked by NPR staff and trusted critics. Find 12 years of recommendations all in one place — that's nearly 4,000 great reads.
If you’ve selected any of the answers above, you’re not alone. Taking the first step toward financial literacy is the hardest. And unfortunately, the internet may not exactly be our friend here.
Joumana Khatib, an editor at The New York Times Book Review, recommends a few books to readers looking for gifts for their loved ones. Advertisement NOW PLAYING 3:35 3:48 Advertisement 3:39 3:34 3 ...
It’s harder to adapt a great book than an average one. Literary greatness often inhibits directors, who end up paying prudent homage to the source rather than engaging in the bold revisions that ...
Let’s check out some books on endings as we bring another year to a close. “The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On” (Ecco, 2022) by Franny Choi is a collection of poetry that ...