A live-action film adaptation of “Mobile Suit Gundam” will be released on video streaming service Netflix. The movie will be directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, whose past works include “Kong ...
taking elaborate photos of action figures, and building Gundam model kits. io9's resident collectors break down their favorite bits of plastic of the year, from Star Wars ships to, well ...
(Childhood and adolescent cancers are reviewed in the special section of Cancer Facts & Figures 2014.) This supplemental data set provides the estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2017 ...
Action Construction Equipment Ltd., incorporated in the year 1995, is a Small Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 17,502.85 Crore) operating in Engineering sector. Action Construction Equipment Ltd ...
Shoppers, too, are feeling the crunch. Cindy Jacobson started her holiday shopping Saturday at HobbyTown, looking at "Gundam" figures for her nephew Shawn Phillips. Jacobson hopes planning ahead ...