The RX-78-2 Gundam is a fictional manned robot (mecha), introduced in 1979 in Yoshiyuki Tomino's and Sunrise's anime series Mobile Suit Gundam. In the series, it is a prototype weapon for the Earth ...
A "B" is considered a passing grade on most exams. For cruise ships, scoring an 85 out of 100 on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Vessel Sanitation Program review is considered a ...
A great kids movie is a beautiful and rare thing. As a father of three, I’ve suffered through enough bad kids entertainment to be enormously thankful for filmmakers who take the same kind of ...
Surveillance video has captured the terrifying moment that a cargo ship rolled onto its side at a port in Istanbul, Turkey, sending workers running for their lives. According to Reuters, ...
The ship rolled over because of an imbalanced loading of the cargo, the governor's office said. Ten of the 15 crew members were rescued by aid personnel. Five jumped into the water and got away by ...
The Albion-class amphibious command ships are being decommissioned. Amphibious support for the Royal Marines will be provided by the Royal Fleet Auxiliary’s Bay-class vessels. Visit below for details ...
AFP is a leading global news agency providing fast, comprehensive and verified coverage of the events shaping our world and of the issues affecting our daily lives. Drawing from an unparalleled ...