When Mobile Suit Gundam first debuted in the late 1970s, it featured the main character Amuro, a member of the Earth Federation that just so happened to find himself piloting one of the universe’s ...
Sunrise and Khara joined forces to create a new Gundam series, with a lot of staff members that previously worked for Gainax.
English Adaptation Produced by SUNRISE INC., BANDAI ENTERTAINMENT. SEE FULL ENCYCLOPEDIA DETAILS FOR ZETA GUNDAM. U.C. 0087. Seven years after the end of the One Year War, the people of the space ...
Special systems like Trans-Am and Quantum Burst make 00 QanT the ultimate unit in Gundam 00 universe. Gundam 00 is one of the ...
GameRant on MSN1 个月
Best Gundam Pilots
Mobile Suit Gundam is the epitome of mecha that has dominated the genre for over fifty years, with an extremely vast universe ...