Read all the latest Irish news and updates from around Ireland Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Kindly add us to your ad blocker whitelist. If you want further ...
Read all the latest Irish news and updates from around Ireland Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Kindly add us to your ad blocker whitelist. If you want further ...
The Valence family held the castle until 1389, after which it fell under the ownership of King Richard II. In a twist of Royal favour, in 1452, King Henry VI awarded the castle and the Earldom of ...
and the castle was instead inherited by King Richard II. Then in 1452, King Henry VI granted the castle and Earldom of Pembroke to his half-brother Jasper Tudor. While their other brother ...
Early Tudor timber-framed wool merchant's house (circa 1500) provides a fascinating insight into local history. This early Tudor timber-framed wool merchant's house (circa 1500) provides a fascinating ...