The Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2008;42(2):226-236. Latent syphilis is a stage in which patients are seroreactive but asymptomatic. [24] It occurs between the disappearance of secondary syphilis ...
Macdonald — Dermatologist, Carney Hospital. For record and address of author see "This Week's Issue", page 1062. Select the format you want to export the citation of this publication.
Again, the signs and symptoms of secondary syphilis resolve spontaneously without treatment, and the infection then enters the latent phase. Figure 2. Primary lesion of syphilis. Figure courtesy ...
Heritage via Getty “The data clearly support a root in the Americas for syphilis and its known relatives, and their introduction to Europe starting in the late 15th century is most consistent ...
Left unattended, syphilis can eventually start to cause more severe permanent problems. "If you don't get treated and it keeps going, latent syphilis, especially if you have it for years ...
Ancient genomes from Europe have shown that Treponema pallidum was present during the late 15th century- including yaws and syphilis. But the uncertainties around dating the skeletons makes it ...
“The data clearly support a root in the Americas for syphilis and its known relatives, and their introduction to Europe starting in the late 15th century is most consistent with the data,” said ...