When Mobile Suit Gundam first debuted in the late 1970s, it featured the main character Amuro, a member of the Earth Federation that just so happened to find himself piloting one of the universe’s ...
The newest Mobile Suit Gundam anime series is already receiving figures for its protagonist through an upcoming wave of ...
Unlike Mobile Suit Gundam, the Knightmare Frames in Code Geass symbolizes the conflicts imposed by opposing ideologies.
The preview event took place at the NASA Space Center in Houston which was fitting for the space setting that Mobile Suit ...
The original Gundam was first introduced in the 1979 anime and is a state of the art mobile suit of the Earth Federation Forces. Piloted by Amuro Ray, this mobile suit represents the Earth ...
The legendary Gundam franchise is full of iconic characters, mobile suits, and rivalries. But as much as we love the new series, nothing quite beats Amuro Ray duking it out with Char Aznable. And ...
The Mobile Suit Gundam franchise drops an all-new action-packed film for fans – however – its viewing location is not easily ...
Gundam” (Fly! Gundam) and “Flying in the Sky,” which are the respective opening themes for the 1979 show Mobile Suit Gundam and the 1994 entry Mobile Fighter G Gundam. The Vocaloid will also ...