For live cell imaging, an InVivo Scientific stage-top incubation chamber is available in single 35 mm dishes or multiwell plate formats, using pre-blended atmospheric gas. The microscope is controlled ...
This Nikon Ti-U is an inverted widefield epifluorescence microscope with both fluorescence and color imaging (RGB, histology). For fluorescence, this microscope uses an Excelitas Excite 100-watt metal ...
For fluorescence microscopy, the core offers the Biotek Cytation 5 equipped with standard DAPI, FITC, RFP, Texas Red, CY5 and CY7 filters and a range of magnifications from 2.5x to 60x air lenses. The ...
With the dye, cells may be analyzed by fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and laser-scanning cytometry. The ability to identify cell cycle position through DNA content analysis is fundamental ...
FLUMIAS is a high-resolution fluorescence microscope for live-cell imaging. It provides a view inside cells of the human body and other living things with high temporal and spatial resolution. For ...
The ground-breaking design and revolutionary performance features of the EVOS fl microscope make high-quality fluorescence imaging easier than ever. Capture, overlay and save multi-channel ...
This diagram illustrates the setup of a Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM) system. An undulator generates a beam of X-rays, which is then focused using a crystal monochromator and a zone ...