Are DNA ancestry tests a reliable way to trace your ancestry? Neil and Beth discuss this and teach you some new vocabulary. Well, my Mum actually did our family tree, and she found a lot of our ...
Connect Your Secondary Drive For this process, you'll need two drives: The source drive (with the data you want to clone), and the target drive (where you're cloning that data to). If you have a ...
Cloning pets is illegal in the UK so specialist scientists must send the DNA to another country for the procedure. Gemini Genetics will take a genetic sample of your animal and send it to the US ...
Genomics is the study of the full genetic complement of an organism (the genome). It employs recombinant DNA, DNA sequencing methods, and bioinformatics to sequence, assemble, and analyse the ...
It started with a finger bone found in a cave in the Altai mountains in Siberia in the late 2000s. Thanks to advances in DNA analysis, this was all that was required for scientists to be able to ...
Human genome sequencing methods. (NIH) These overlooked genes have been hiding away in regions of our DNA thought not to code for proteins. These regions were once dismissed as 'junk DNA' but it turns ...
Thanks to advances in DNA analysis, this was all that was required for scientists to be able to identify an entirely new group of hominins, meaning upright primates on the same evolutionary branch ...
Their engineered cells can insert distinctive bits of genetic material into their DNA. As the cells divide, those genetic bits turn into distinctive bar codes. The technology is also allowing ...
The large-scale production of recombinant proteins in plants is limited by relatively low yields and difficulties in extraction and purification. These problems were addressed by engineering ...
The fear that a vaccine will somehow change your DNA is one we've seen aired regularly on social media. The BBC asked three independent scientists about this. They said that the coronavirus ...