The S&P 500 was up 0.7%, with nearly 400 of its stocks on the rise. The Nasdaq Composite was up 0.9%. While tech led the way at the open, all 11 S&P 500 sectors were rising shortly before 11 a.m.
Near normal temperatures in the middle to upper 40s are anticipated on Wednesday and Thursday underneath a mix of sun and clouds. Another fast-moving, relatively weak storm system will race across ...
"So, you're probably just another uninformed idiot with a gun and a badge, which is even worse." In response to Griffin offering to sit down with Phillips and clarify what is fact and fiction ...
The Plymouth Police Department is set to hold Books with Badges – an event geared towards preschool-age children – from 10 to 11 a.m. on both Dec. 11 and Dec. 18 at the K.U.B.E. indoor playground at ...