Dominic Sandbrook outlines the impact of United States President Ronald Reagan's 1982 speech on Cold War policies. He details how President Ronald Reagan arrives in London in June 1982 and ...
Focusing on the critical period between 1977 and 1985, Donaghy shows how domestic politics shaped dramatic foreign policy reversals by Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. He explains why the ...
Ronald Reagan’s statesmanship was far more complex ... He negotiated one of the most successful nuclear-reduction treaties during the Cold War. Reagan attacked Jimmy Carter for undermining ...
In foreign policy, Reagan guided the United States through the end of the Cold War as the Soviet Union imploded, and he established a new working relationship with the post-Soviet Russian leadership.
James S. Robbins is dean of academics at the Institute of World Politics in Washington, DC and author of the forthcoming book “Forging Peace Through Strength: Ronald Reagan and the Cold War.” ...
His engagement of the Soviets led ultimately to the end of the Cold War – with the forces of freedom winning—and the implosion of the USSR. Ronald Reagan also accomplished many other ...
The cold war INF treaty, banning ground-launched ballistic ... misread by Moscow as nuclear war preparation. Alarmed, Ronald Reagan eased fears, leading to the INF treaty and broader arms reductions.