Arthur Schopenhauer was a prominent philosopher who pushed the boundaries of German Idealism to its full potential. Admirer ...
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860) lived through an era of great political turmoil, but previous assessments of his political thought have portrayed him as a pessimistic observer with no constructive ...
Our basic sense of right and wrong appears to be the product of blind evolution. The hard question is how unsettling that ...
It’s been a long, slow slog, but in some ways things have been moving in a pro-freedom direction, led by sports gambling.
At the time, he devoured the works of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) and enjoyed an anti-bourgeois ...
You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. A popularisation of Schopenhauer at his most bleak is, “Life is a bitch and then you die”. The ...
With the Bayreuth Festival coming to Shanghai for the first time, the city will host the festival's only residency program in ...
三言科技12月22日消息,今日,原极越汽车公关负责人徐继业就自己此前争议言论致歉。他表示最近关于自己沸沸扬扬的事件,起因在于两句话。一句是“仆从的眼里没有英雄”,另一句是出自鲁迅的杂文《战士和苍蝇》中的“苍蝇”。徐继业指出上述两句话的出处,并且表示当时自己只是有感而发,被一些居心叵测的人曲解后带节奏,引 ...
Mukherjee defends Nehru’s historical vision as essential for understanding India’s past and present. But his secular ...
Israel and the world both seem to be in a terrible mess at the moment. Wars, famine, droughts, hurricanes, massacres. Count ...
Almost all of us know what a peak experience feels like. For some people, it’s climbing mountains or surfing; for others, ...