He earned Rs110,000 per head, as there were no border restrictions on taking yaks to the Chinese market. Sherpa and five other herders in Thudam, Sankhuwasabha, a higher pass known as a centre for yak ...
A day after being stabbed in jail, Yak Gotti has been found not guilty on all charges against him in the longest trial in Georgia history. According to WSB-TV, Yak Gotti and Shannon Stilwell were ...
Yak Gotti, a co-defendant in the prolonged case against YSL, rapper Young Thug's alleged street gang, was stabbed in jail Sunday, authorities and his lawyer confirmed. Gotti, whose real name is ...
Attorney Doug Weinstein confirmed that his client, Deamonte Kendrick, who raps as Yak Gotti, was injured Sunday. Jurors are returning Monday to continue deliberating whether to convict Kendrick ...
Rapper Yak Gotti, one of two co-defendants left in Young Thug’s historically long racketeering trial, has been stabbed in jail in Georgia, according to authorities and his lawyer. The rapper ...
Rapper Yak Gotti was recently stabbed in jail as a jury considers his fate in the YSL RICO trial. According to a report WSB-TV released on Monday, December 2, 2024, the rapper and another prisoner ...
Multiple sources confirmed to Channel 2 Action News that Deamonte Kendrick, who raps under the name Yak Gotti, was stabbed on Sunday. The stabbing happened at the Fulton County Jail’s south ...
The jury found Deamonte Kendrick, who raps as Yak Gotti, not guilty on all charges. The jury found Shannon Stillwell guilty on only one charge for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.