Fungal contamination of an eye product is known to potentially cause eye infections​​, which may be vision- or ...
Systane brand eye drops were voluntarily recalled because of possible fungal contamination, the Food and Drug Administration ...
"There have been no reports of adverse events related to this recall," Alcon Laboratories said in a statement about its ...
(美国26日讯)美国2023年才发生人工泪液、眼药膏遭绿脓杆菌污染,造成十多人失明、至少4人死亡悲剧,不料近期又有产品爆出遭真菌污染。美国食品药物管理局(FDA)指出,生技大厂爱尔康(Alcon)旗下一款眼药水日前遭人投诉有异物,经查证实是含有真菌( ...
A popular household brand of eye drops has been recalled after a ‘potentially life-threatening’ fungal contamination was ...
Alcon has not received any reports of adverse events related to this recall. However, the company is acting cautiously to ...
The eye drops are typically used for temporary relief of burning and irritation for people with dry eye symptoms.
周二,知名投资公司Needham将眼科护理产品领导者Alcon Inc. (NYSE: ALC)的目标价从103.00美元上调至108.00美元。该公司维持对Alcon股票的买入评级,显示出对Alcon增长前景的信心。Alcon市值418.7亿美元, InvestingPro 财务健康评分为3.23(评级为优秀),表明公司基本面稳健。