Despite the German authority's recent crackdown on Badbox botnet, it looks like the malware is still alive and kicking.
German cybersecurity authorities have recently taken action against a significant malware threat, blocking around 30,000 ...
Despite a recent police operation in Germany aimed at disrupting the BadBox malicious campaign, the Android botnet has ...
A sophisticated malware operation known as BADBOX has infected over 192,000 Android devices worldwide, according to recent investigations. The operation, believed to originate from China, has ...
There are many Android TV boxes out there for sale. Some are surprisingly cheap. Before you consider pulling the trigger on ...
Bitsight has discovered a BadBox botnet consisting of over 190,000 Android devices, mainly Yandex smart TVs and Hisense smartphones.
近期,全球网络安全领域传来了一则引人注目的警报:一个名为BadBox的恶意僵尸网络正快速蔓延,感染了超过19.2万台智能设备。令人震惊的是,这一网络不仅影响了普通的安卓设备,还入侵了知名品牌的智能电视,如Yandex的4K ...
近期,网络安全领域再度传来警报,知名安全公司BitSight发布了一份关于安卓恶意僵尸网络BadBox的详尽报告。据该报告披露,BadBox起源于Triada恶意软件家族,其感染范围已从最初的局部地区迅速扩散至全球,目前已有超过19.2万台设备确认受 ...
近日,网络安全领域迎来新挑战,知名安全公司BitSight发布警告,指出一个名为BadBox的安卓恶意僵尸网络正在全球范围内迅速扩散。据称,该僵尸网络最初在德国通过“沉洞”技术被部分阻断,但感染范围仍在不断扩大,现已波及超过19.2万台设备,其中包括 ...
2023年12月20日,网络安全公司BitSight发布的一项报告引发了广泛关注。报告中披露,名为BadBox的恶意安卓僵尸网络正在全球范围内扩散,目前已知感染设备达到19.2万台,其中包括Yandex电视和海信智能手机等知名品牌。BadBox的再度 ...
网络安全公司BitSight发布博文称,BadBox恶意僵尸网络正在全球范围内扩散,并已感染了19.2万台设备。这个僵尸网络基于Triada恶意软件家族,通过供应链攻击、内部人员恶意操作或产品分销阶段的注入等方式感染设备。Ba ...