Michels Corporation nabbed a $77.4 million contract to work on Interstate 41 in Outagamie, exponentially outpacing this ...
Microsoft said it will pause construction at some Mount Pleasant data center sites to rethink some of its designs. The project is a $3.3 billion investment.
Gov. Tony Evers announced Karen Hyun, who served NOAA and as staff for a Congressional committee, was appointed the next ...
Mortenson crews finished the first floor of the future Milwaukee Public Museum building and will continue the rest of the ...
A new survey offers more proof that mental health should be a strong consideration in the design of community buildings such ...
Miron Construction Co., Inc. announced David G. Voss, Jr., current President & CEO, will transition to Former CEO effective ...
Milwaukee-based architecture firm EUA will move into the Titletown Fitness Building in Green Bay by March 2025. The firm ...
The Associated Builders and Contractors’ 10th annual Merit Shop Scorecard has ranked ABC Wisconsin as its top state member.
The construction of 156 apartments has started in Plymouth. Milwaukee-based Wangard Partners on Monday announced the ...