The Deputy Minister of Police Shela Polly Boshielo, visited Kimberley and Galeshewe over the weekend to assess the state of ...
The Noupoort police arrested a 35 year old man in Tyoksville after discovering a firearm at his house on Monday A firearm was ...
Water restrictions will remain in place despite daily production being described as “steady” Water restrictions will continue ...
Kimberley’s weather is wrapping up Christmas surprises – expect a mix of merry sunshine and the odd dramatic thunderstorm.
The alleged hitmen who attempted to assassinate South Africa Revenue Services (SARS) forensic investigator Advocate Coreth Naude in Durban were “imported” from Cape Town. File image By: Willem ...
An earthquake measuring an aftershock of 5,3 in Buchufontein, sent shockwaves through large parts of the Northern Cape and ...
The Kimberley SAPS Serious and Violent Crimes unit are investigating a culpable homicide after an unknown female was killed ...
Three accused persons who allegedly defrauded GWK agricultural company of R705 005, 50, will reappear in the Prieska ...
Judgement on the bail applications of SAPS officials implicated in an alleged vehicle syndicate will only be delivered next ...
Act has come into full operation after President Cyril Ramaphosa authorised the implementation on Friday President Cyril ...
SAPS Northern Cape provincial spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Sergio Kock said the alleged shooting incident occurred on ...
Government departments owed R13.8 billion to the Public Works and Infrastructure Department as at September.WHILE municipalities owe suppliers R140.1 billion as at September, the ...