Whatever you would like - a visit to the former Casimir Castle including the underground passages or a city bus tour - we arrange guided tours for groups all year round. Virtual Tour for all ages - ...
Bathing was forbidden in the Gelterswoog. Rangers and pastors would take the clothes of those frolicking in the water. Although today, little has changed in terms of the romantic flair of the ...
Zum 1. Advent veranstalten wir die "Lebendige Weihnachtskrippe im Zoo".
Informations about the parking guidance system to find a free parking space, the Park & Ride offers to the Soccer Stadion and car parks in the city.
Would you like to know more about the Christmas customs and celebrations in Germany? Join us for a „Holiday Tour“ of the city, and discover how closely the German - American traditions are related.
The flexible room concept of our venue offers various possibilities. In the Congress Center Ramstein, meeting and seminar rooms including modern conference technology are available for up to 500 ...
from friday 04:00 pm to monday, 7:00 am, wednesday from 02:00 pm to the following day to 7:00 am, Public Holidays from 7:00 am to the following day to 7:00 am the medical emergency service center in ...
Die jungen Theaterschaffenden Pia Kröll und Florence Schreiber haben den »Wettbewerb Junge Regie« gewonnen! Mit ihrem spannenden Konzept haben sie die Jury überzeugt und sich gegen rund hundert ...
Rick Cheyenne’s Musikrichtung geht von Blues bis Soul, Rock’n’Roll, Country und Pop. Aber auch Swing und Oldies gehören zu seinem Reper-toire. Rick Cheyenne erspürt in Interaktion mit den Gästen die ...
Auch an diesem Weihnachten sorgt die NATO-Musikfestival-Stiftung für 50 Paar glänzende Kinderaugen. Zum 16. Mal in Folge überreichten die Stiftungsvorsitzenden, derzeit Bürgermeister Manfred Schulz ...