“A Google spokesperson told us: ‘We recently made a change to provide more descriptive and useful snippets, to help people better understand how pages are relevant to their searches. This resulted in ...
If writing is an art and marketing is a science, then producing high-performance marketing content requires a healthy dose of both. In content marketing, there’s no such thing as a blank page. There’s ...
The Covid period was defined by data. Never has an event caused such accelerated digital transformation to take place. For marketers, this has provided an opportunity to deliver customer experiences ...
Christopher Ratcliff is the Editor in Chief of Methods Unsound, and former Editor of SEW and Deputy Editor of Econsultancy. You may hound him on Twitter @Christophe_Rock especially if it's ...
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Tereza Litsa is a social media and training manager at Lightful and a freelance writer for ClickZ and Search Engine Watch. She is passionate about social media, tech for good, and #ReclaimSocial.
Reviews of search toolbars, utilities and other software packages that let you search the web from your desktop or access search engines from your browser. Articles, web sites and other resources ...
Rebecca Sentance is the Deputy Editor of Search Engine Watch.
The idea for Search Engine Watch began with a complaining client at the end of 1995, who grumbled that he couldn’t find his site in WebCrawler and wanted to know why. At the time, among many web ...
Looking for search engines? This section of Search Engine Watch lists some top choices in various categories.