  1. Venous Ulcer: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

    • Your veins contain tiny valves that keep blood circulating throughout your body. These valves snap open and shut to move blood against the force of gravity back to your heart. In some people, venous diseases affect … 展开

    What Types of Venous Disease Cause Venous Stasis Ulcers?

    Chronic venous insufficiencyis a common cause of valve dysfunction. It occurs … 展开

    Cleveland Clinic
    Who Gets Venous Ulcers?

    A variety of factors can raise your risk of venous ulcers. They include: 1. Deep vein thrombosis. 2. Family history of venous disease. 3. Obesity. 4. Older age. 5. Paralysis. 6. Pre… 展开

    Cleveland Clinic
    What Do Venous Ulcers Look and Feel like?

    They’re often shallow, irregularly shaped sores. The skin surrounding the stasis ulcer may be hard and discolored. Symptoms of venous ulcers include 1. Dull ache. 2. Foul odor. 3. Itching. … 展开

    Cleveland Clinic
  1. Treatment options for venous ulcers include1234:
    • Antibiotics if there’s an infection.
    • Compression bandages or stockings to improve circulation.
    • Ointments that protect against germs.
    • Pain relievers and other therapies to quiet overactive nerves.
    • Procedures (debridement) to remove debris and dead tissue.
    • Exercise.
    • Dressings.
    • Pentoxifylline.
    • Tissue products.
    • Referral to a wound subspecialist for severe or refractory cases.

    Venous ulcer treatments often include: Antibiotics if there’s an infection. Compression bandages or stockings to improve circulation. Ointments that protect against germs. Pain relievers and other therapies to quiet...


    Current evidence supports treatment of venous ulcers with compression therapy, exercise, dressings, pentoxifylline, and tissue products. Referral to a wound subspecialist should be considered for ulcers that are...


    Treatment options include wound dressings, compression therapy, exercises, medications, and self-management. In severe cases, surgery or skin grafts may be essential. A person should consult their doctor as soon as...


    Treatments include:

    • Venous Ulcers: Diagnosis and Treatment - AAFP

      2019年9月1日 · Severe complications include infection and malignant change. Current evidence supports treatment of venous ulcers with compression therapy, exercise, dressings, pentoxifylline, and tissue...

    • Venous Ulcers - Johns Hopkins Medicine

      Learn about venous ulcers, open skin sores on the legs caused by problems with blood flow in the veins. Find out how to care for, treat and prevent them with lifestyle changes and medical interventions.

    • Venous Ulcer: How Sores Look, Wound Dressing, …

      2023年7月5日 · This article discusses how to locate and identify a venous leg ulcer, venous ulcer symptoms, prompt treatment options that can improve blood flow from the legs to the heart, and other ways to help these slow-to-heal …

    • Venous Skin Ulcers on Legs: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

    • Venous Ulcers - University of Rochester Medical Center

    • Venous Ulcers: Vs. Arterial Ulcers, Pictures, Treatment, and More

    • Venous Insufficiency Ulcers, Symptoms and Treatment