The only data independent acquisition (DIA) technique that allows comprehensive detection and quantitation of virtually every detectable compound in a sample. SWATH Acquisition gives you confidence in your quantitative results and virtually eliminates the risk of missing a …
SWATH is the only data independent acquisition (DIA) technique that allows comprehensive detection and quantitation of virtually every detectable compound in a sample (MS/MSALL). This provides confidence in your quantitative results and virtually eliminates the …
SCIEX is pleased to offer the SWATH Acquisition Performance Kit to assess performance of your TripleTOF® LC-MS system. The kit contains a pooled mixture of 20 synthetic peptides (PepCalMix) which provide coverage over a wide range of masses and retention times, as well as a complex digested lysate for assessing protein quantitation performance ...
2020年8月16日 · SWATH(Sequential Window Acquisition of all TheoreticalMass Spectra)是瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院的Ruedi博士及其团队与SCIEX在2012年联合推出的一项全新的高分辨质谱采集技术。人们常说:SWATH技术是一种真正全景式的、高通量的、数据可追溯的质谱技术。