[RELEASE]WII U USB Helper Transfer Tool (FTP+WUP all in one)
2024年11月28日 · When I tried to transfer a game (444 MBs large), it lasted more than 1 and a half hours, with the speed of 55-75 kb/s. About 30 minutes in, it aborts the transfer. Just a heads up.
GitHub - rattboi/usb_transfer_tool: Tool to transfer and install …
Tool to transfer and install games on your wiiu. Contribute to rattboi/usb_transfer_tool development by creating an account on GitHub.
Need Wii U Usb Transfer tool wii u app - GBAtemp.net
2024年11月28日 · WIIU USB Helper Transfer Tool is a mod of both FTPIIU everywhere and WUP Installer. It enables you to receive games downloaded with WII U USB Helper and install them right away. The FTPIIU server has been improved and allows for better transfer speed.
How to use Wii U USB Helper [GUIDE] - Cheaper Gamer
Wii U USB helper will let you download Wii U games directly to your PC and even copy them over to your SD / Micro SD card. Wii U USB Helper acts pretty much as a mirror of the current eShop, however, it does also allow you to create custom games to install directly to your Wii U or Wii U’s attached HDD (Recommended).
usb_transfer_tool/README.md at master - GitHub
Used with Wii U USB Helper to install WUPs. Apparently there are known issues with versions of devkitPPC past r27. Something to do with redefinition of "int". I don't know the details. It's recommended by the community to stick with r27 for now.
Wii U USB Helper Download Free - - TechSpot
2019年3月14日 · Download Wii U USB Helper - A free tool to manage your Wii U and 3DS games. Backup and download from eShop servers on Windows and Android.
Download and Install Wii U Games with USB Helper
This guide will show you how to download Wii U and Wii game backups using Wii U USB Helper. USB Helper Launcher is a set of patches to revive the discontinued USB Helper. USB Helper can also convert Gamecube .ISO game files to virtual console injects that can be launched from the Wii U System Menu and played on the Gamepad.
Releases · FailedShack/USBHelperInstaller · GitHub
Added download mirrors as fallback. Added anonymous usage metrics. Fixed Wii U USB Helper version dropdown. Discord: https://go.nul.sh/wuhdiscord. Improved safety of the uninstaller. This version is out of date. Do not download. You can find the latest version here. Discord: https://go.nul.sh/wuhdiscord. Initial release.
[RELEASE]WII U USB Helper Transfer Tool (FTP+WUP all in one)
2024年11月28日 · Well Wii U USB Helper Transfer Tool (which is the application described in this thread) is a home brew application you launch from the homebrew channel and which allows you to receive games transferred from Wii U USB Helper (the desktop app) via the network.
Download Wii U USB Helper for Windows - FileHippo
2023年8月17日 · Wii U USB Helper is a gaming utility software from Hikari06 that allows users to create backups of their Wii U and 3DS games and manage them effectively. With an intuitive interface, this tool ensures that backups are saved properly, allowing users to swap games on their console faster and without the risk of losing data.